What is Periodontology?

Periodontitis or periodontal disease is a bacterial inflammation of the tooth bed (the tissue and bone surrounding and stabilizing the tooth). The disease often begins insidiously and goes unnoticed by the patient. If left untreated for a long time, it can lead to loosening and loss of teeth. The main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque. However, genetic, environmental, or health factors can also be responsible for the development of periodontal disease. Health factors include, for example, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, Down’s syndrome, AIDS or other blood diseases.


The most common signs of the first signs are bleeding gums. If these changes occur more frequently, the dentist should be consulted urgently. The gums are red, swollen, and shiny. These signs are usually accompanied by bad breath, itching of the gums, a feeling of bleeding and sensitivity of the teeth.

Periodontal diseases can affect people of all ages, from childhood to old age, with varying degrees of severity. Most of the time the disease can progress insidiously without any signs or symptoms. Inflamed gum tissue can nevertheless lead to healthy teeth falling out. For this reason, treating periodontal disease early is extremely important.


Periodontal treatment is the prerequisite for getting rid of the disease. It is often carried out in several stages. Essentially, the tooth surfaces below the tooth neck are smoothed and cleaned. Different treatment methods are used depending on the type and severity of the disease. This includes improving oral hygiene, cleaning the tartar, smoothing the root surface, regenerative, reconstructive and mucogingival operations.