What is that?

With root canal treatment, too, the inner nerves of the tooth are emptied and cleaned. With this dental method, dead or inflamed teeth can be preserved. Usually there is tooth decay (caries), which serves as an entrance ticket for bacteria and is painless for a certain period of time. A tooth fracture or treatment trauma, for example due to overheating when grinding the tooth for a dental crown, can lead to inflammation, which can be acutely extremely painful.

How is it determined that my tooth is undergoing a root canal treatment ö ?

The affected tooth reacts painfully to cold and hot stimuli. Excessive changes in the color of the teeth can also be a sign of inflammation. In addition, in the case of an infection, for example untreated caries which reaches the pulp (tooth nerve), can reach the jawbone from the root tip and cause small or large swellings in the face. In this case, in addition to the operations that will be done by the dentist, taking antibiotics is appropriate in combating the infection. After the swelling has subsided, the tooth should then be extracted. However, this is a very outdated thought. Even teeth that cause such large infections can be preserved by a root canal treatment and serve you for years as in their old, healthy state.

The treatment phases:

  1. Performing a radiography
  2. If the tooth is vital, local anesthesia is applied to remove the sensitivity of the teeth and the surrounding tissue.
  3. The formation of a cavity by cleaning the caries on the tooth enamel and the dentin layers in order to get to the pulp.
  4. The isolation of the tooth with a rubber dam.
  5. Determination of the working time using electronic devices and confirmation by radiography.
  6. Removal of the inflamed dentin layers within the root canal using rotating tool systems.
  7. When using the rotating tool systems in the root canals, the microorganisms are removed with disinfectants.

After the root canal treatment:

After root canal treatment, the primary aim is to prevent re-inflammation by breaking the connection to the surrounding tissue of the tooth. If there is any damage in the surrounding tooth tissue, this will also be treated. As a result, the tooth can experience pain for several days, especially after the treatment of vital teeth. However, this pain is typical and resolves itself within a short time. The success rate for root canal treatments is now up to 90%.

Inlay, onlay and overlay feet llungs:

When a tooth is infected with tooth decay, the dentist must completely remove the affected tooth tissue. In order to seal the cavity again, the tooth is filled. If a conventional filling is not sufficient to restore and stabilize the tooth, the dentist will recommend a ceramic inlay, an onlay or an overlay, depending on the type and location of the defect.

Are these feet llungs ä aesthetic?

The molars, which take on most of the chewing function, are exposed to greater pressure and therefore need more resistant material than the front teeth. In the past, silver amalgam was the most common filling material and was used on the back teeth. These types of fillings are actually alloys of mercury, silver, and other metals. However, their appearance means that they are not aesthetically pleasing.

Depending on the loss of substance in the front teeth, filling applications may be required. The porcelain filling is a filling method that was developed to protect the healthy tooth tissue in cases in which there is too much loss of substance and the reduction of the entire tooth is necessary for a crown. This is preferred over amalgam fillings because it is more aesthetic and useful.

Is the treatment healthy?

Porcelain fillings have the same hardness as your natural teeth. It prevents fractures caused by the bite force and ensures that the tooth is as healthy as before. This filling is hardly noticeable because it matches the color of your natural teeth.


If there is excessive material loss on the tooth, a tooth filling is unavoidable. It is usually used on the back molars.
The dental fillings are both aesthetic and resistant to the pressure of chewing and are a long-term reliable treatment method. First of all, a cavity is prepared for the filling and attempts are made to regain the natural shape of the tooth before it starts to rot. This depends on the type of filling used, the position of the tooth and the function.

How long does the treatment take?

In the first session, the dimensions of the prepared cavities are sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the porcelain filling is specially made for the respective tooth in order to finally complete the missing structure of the tooth.